Lustful Feminist Killjoys

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Lustful Feminist Killjoys
[Anna Percy & Rebecca Audra Smith]
adult poetry
ISBN 978-0-9932370-4-1 | 74pp | 2016
rrp £8.00 | ebook £5.00

"We are killjoys, painting portraits
of tulips in full-bodied growth,
when you ask to see us naked
we hand you an album of flowers."

By turns tender and intimate, forthright and unabashed, the lustful feminist killjoys explore inclusivity, equality and identity to combat imposter syndrome and patriarchy.
An eloquent collection about desire and loss from the founders of Stirred feminist collective.

"This collection is legs open and unapologetic, it's warm and echt, a charming celebration of the female experience." - Keisha Thompson, poet, singer & theatre practitioner

"Extraordinary, delicious and passionate. Lustful Feminist Killjoys is a deeply enjoyable collaboration... inviting the reader to re-evaluate their place in the world." - Janet Rogerson, poet

"As bracing as a sharp wind on a bright winter's day. Sexy, funny, forceful." - Dr Rebecca Bilkau, poet & playwright

"This collection is anything but killjoy. These are poems putting women in art, legend, literature, and life squarely in the female experience instead of the usual male gaze. Sexy, stunning, and perfect. Anna and Rebecca's work here is exhilarating - LFK is a necessary book." - Kate Garrett, writer & editor

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Cover art by Hebe Phillips.