We Kid Ourselves

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We Kid Ourselves
adult poetry
ISBN 978-1-8381185-5-6 | 110pp | 2021
rrp £10.00 | ebook £5.00

This is a collection about the land. This land.
It’s about the politics of the UK, its identity and how it can be re-defined. It’s about the environment, social disquiet, anger, intolerance and the rise of righteousness. It’s about love and intimacy, exploring change and the passing of time.
This is a collection which embraces hope and creates the future.

“All true artists are outsiders and any of us can find ourselves feeling as though we are on the outside. Tony’s insightful poetry expresses both the delight and the uncertainty of that position.” – Neil Bell, actor

“Tony's words dance off the page and into your bloodstream, leaving you pulsing with anger, humanity and love. This unique and beautiful collection is essential reading.” – Charlotte Oliver, writer

“Its scathing view on climate, politics and culture is unflinching, but written with care and compassion. A powerful, timely collection … a warning and a carrion call to us all.” – Michael Wilson, poet

“These are poems that shouldn’t just be read. These are poems to be belted out, or chanted in unison with our loved ones at protests, or spray-painted on t-shirts for gigs. Read these so loudly you offend the neighbours.” – Geneviève L. Walsh, spoken word artist

Cover photo by Rik Jundi, design by Paul Neads.

You can watch the recording of Tony's book launch on YouTube.